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Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I am sure we will end up adding another post in the next two days or so - recapping our Thanksgiving holidays complete with pictures and a brief recap of family festivities and USC's victory over ASU! So I will try to keep this one short.

It has been a challenging year in our home. Aside from raising Jackson (who is now 20 months old), Rebecca was born on July 2nd, I left Charles Schwab and took a position with Wells Fargo Investments on June 29th, we moved into a new home on March 23rd, and we have been actively involved in a young church plant which had its first Sunday service back on January 21st! Sheesh, I get tired just typing that out.

Basically, we have alot to be thankful for. Each of these major events have held some significant trials; and there have been a few other issues that have complicated life throughout the year as well. But God, who is rich in mercy and love, has been abundantly faithful to carry us through everyday of the year, and every trial in our path. I can honestly confess that we have not handled one single thing perfectly, and yet despite my pride and selfishness, God has blessed us with a roof over our head, (mostly) healthy children, improved relationships with our extended families, loving friends, a good job, and a Christ centered Bible preaching church which is continually growing in faith and fellowship.

I do not know how we survive. I would never plan a year to include so much change and trial. I have both experienced and witnessed the great temptation within trials to be prideful and selfish - to fain humility and brokenness, to hide behind a single point of Scripture ignoring the log in my own eye, and to write off any advice from someone simply because they are not perfect. It is a sad thing to lie to one's self and it can be difficult to recognize and overcome. that is why I am thankful this year for three things in particular.

First, I am thankful to the Lord for He has graciously convicted my heart and supplied for my every need. Secondly I am thankful for the loving family God has blessed me with. My wife Jennifer who encourages and exhorts me in my spiritual walk and at the same time takes care of our home and our children. My Children who are both humbling and sobering as they are in our care. My brothers and parents who God uses to continually sharpen me. And Thirdly, I am thankful for my friends, who hold me accountable and encourage me to be a better husband, father, and friend.

Ephesians 3:20-21 "Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations forever and ever, Amen."

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