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Monday, July 2, 2012

Happy Birthday, Rebecca Sky!

Notice anything?
Rebecca lost her first tooth two days before her fifth birthday. I wasn't quite ready for that! Jackson didn't lose a tooth until halfway through kindergarten, for heaven's sake! It is not time yet. 

Slow down...please?

 She will be at school in a few short months. I will miss her so much! But, as happened with Jackson, we are beginning to naturally ready ourselves for this first separation.  When the time comes, it will be time.  Right?

 This has already been such an eventful summer. We drove up to Tehachapi and found an ostrich farm.  That was quite the experience. 

 We have attempted to participate in the Rio Bravo Swim Team program.  Alas, we are not very good members of a team.  We have been away from the pool more often than we have been in it.  But it has been so much fun to spend time with our cousins each day that we can!

Happy birthday, my dear Rebecca Sky! You truly are a summer birth-day.  Sunny, warm, breezy... every good thing about the respite the Lord gives us from "normal" life.  We pray you grow into a wise and lovely woman of God.  We love you so very much.

1 comment:

Danae said...

so happy to catch up with you through your blog today! Reading your life and thoughts is always lovely and a blessing. it was so good to see you the other evening, though we didn't get to visit much, i always feel connected to you, picking up right from where we left off. :) Love and miss you!


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