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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Colossians 3:23

Chances are, if stay-at-home-mom is your profession, a wise Christian woman has quoted this verse to you:

"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord".Link

At a friend's baby shower this weekend, a devotional was read with this verse central to the message of sacrificial motherhood.

I was thinking about this verse today. I did not even know where the verse was in Scripture, even though I have heard it many times. I had told the mommy-to-be's sister (who gave the devotional) that I was so thankful for her preparation and the sharing of this verse in particular. It struck a chord with me because my attitude had been getting progressively poorer all week, culminating in a heart-to-heart with my dear husband the morning before the shower. Beau had asked me why I had such a bad attitude, to which I replied "I don't know!" But the more we talked through things and the more I thought about and finally prayed about it, I realized that I was being ungrateful and unappreciative of what the Lord has for me at this point in my life. I was beginning to believe the world's lie that being a stay-at-home mother is monotonous, unthankful drudgery. I really thought I deserved a break whenever I felt like it. I thought people should go beyond to serve me. I am ashamed even thinking about it.

So I did some further study on the verse. The verses around Col 3:23 give instructions on how to act as a wife (submit), husband (love), children (obey), father (do not provoke), and slave (obey). Upon studying the verse, I realized what the meaning of it is. The instruction continues with verse 24:

"(v 23)Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, (24) knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ".

I am to act as with the supreme example of my Lord Christ. He came to serve "not as people-pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, fearing the Lord" (v 22). And I am serving Him. How sinful to desire that others serve me! I do not mean this from a false-humility point of view. I really was struggling with the mindset of seeing myself as more important than others, namely, my husband. A true follower of Christ seeks to serve, and I am thankful for that reminder. I don't really, when I stop to think about it, even feel as though I have a difficult, servant's job! My children are young and have no activities, my home is warm and cozy, the gardener is outside trimming the grass, and my husband actually wants me to stay home with the children instead of having to go to an outside job. Thanks be to God.

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