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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Talented Friends

My good friend Stacie is a hair artist. She has a salon in her home. Studio Artisan feels more posh than any salon I have ever been in. She has a TV, soft music playing, plenty of magazines, a full sink/ chair detail, a dryer, and a professional yet friendly air about her when I get to go in for some pampering. However, my favorite part is the lengthy relaxing shampoo that she lavishes on her girlfriends and clients. I have discussed this with many other clients and we agree that it is a lovely bonus to getting our hair done. Whenever I get home after a haircut and color, my husband is impressed with her handiwork.

Her husband, Boone, is a photography artist. He has an eye for light, color, and detail. Somehow he gets the perfect shot more often than not. I cannot do this, no matter how many pictures I take. He graciously donated the photo at the top of my blog. I have a printout on my fridge and am stopped in my tracks many times a day at the beauty and complexity of this photo of my family. It is very nice to have talented friends! Boone is in the process of investing in his own photography business. Beau and I are excited about this because he said he would do our Christmas picture...free of charge!

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Why, oh why, can my son recite, "Meeska, Mooska, Mickey Mouse!" when watching The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on occasion- yet he can't remember to say "Please?" when asking for something hourly?

1 comment:

Boone Frenzel said...

Jennie - Thank you so much for your kind words. You give the Frenzel's way too much credit, at least me (Boone). Stacie is pretty darn talented. I am pretty excited about getting those Xmas card pics!


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