He is risen, indeed!
And, as my dear Aussie friend was carefully explaining to her children, we celebrate by...
hunting eggs?
Australians, it seems, do not hunt for Easter eggs at Easter.
"Where do you feel the least authentic in your relationship with Christ?"
I think my answer is: church.
Allow me to explain: While I am at church, I am worried about the Sunday School lesson we will be teaching, I am worried about making sure I get to say hello to all of my friends, I am worried about not spilling anything myself the one day I actually dress up during the week, I am worried about losing one of my children, I am worried about one of said children doing something that completely embarrasses me...
You see what I mean?
But when I am at home, or going about my daily life, I see how completely I need my Lord. Things happen every day that make me feel humbled, inadequate, or in need of grace and mercy. As a caveat, once the sermon starts at church, I can settle down and learn and be fed. It is all the other busyness of the day that drains authenticity.
So this Easter, I was thanking God yet again that He died for a sinner like me. It looks fine on the outside, but oh, is it inadequate on the inside! The hope is not in self or others, but in Christ Jesus.
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